Year: 2013

Have you heard of Family Camps? They do exist and are much fun for parents and children. Read on to find out more from, a great resource to find camps.

When I was born in 1972, there was no maternity leave. No benefits, no time off. My mom, being the primary breadwinner in our house, would have been in a really bad position if it had not been for her ability to negotiate to take the summer off from work AND to plan my birth for Spring.

SOSsitter is now offering discounted memberships to the Families and members of the Canadian Forces.

Sometimes, it seems like children around us are more and more out of control every year. Toddlers run screaming through the grocery store, middle-schoolers shoplift, and high schoolers turn to drugs and alcohol. What’s gone wrong? What are children missing? What are parents and caregivers forgetting? The answer is just one thing: self-control.

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