3 After School Activities that are Actually FUN!

Categories: BabysitterReading Time: 3 minutes

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After a long day of classes and studying, students look for a fun break. Afterschool activities for the kids offer chances to explore interests, develop skills, and make friends. While some see them as an extension of school, we believe they should be enjoyable and entertaining. In this article, we’ve picked three activities that broaden horizons and make you smile. So, forget the idea that extracurriculars are a chore and enjoy the exciting experiences ahead!


Tips for Babysitters: Engaging Afterschool Activities


  1. Fun Custom Railroad

Creating a Fun Custom Railroad for kids is an engaging DIY project.



  1. Wide painter’s tape
  2. LEGO bricks and baseplates
  3. Toy trains (LEGO-compatible)
  4. Flat, clean surface
  5. Optional: LEGO figures and accessories



  1. Plan Layout: Sketch your railroad’s layout, considering space and complexity.
  2. Prepare Surface: Clear and clean the surface.
  3. Lay LEGO Base: Create a sturdy base with LEGO baseplates.
  4. Design Tracks: Use painter’s tape on LEGO baseplates for tracks.
  5. Add Fun: Enhance with LEGO features like bridges and tunnels.


Creating this custom railroad promotes creativity and fun learning for kids. Enjoy hours of imaginative play!


  1. Fun Plant Water Absorption Experiment

Explore plant water absorption using cabbage leaves and food coloring.



  1. Fresh cabbage leaves
  2. Clear containers or glasses
  3. Water
  4. Food coloring (various colors)
  5. Knife or scissors
  6. Paper towels
  7. Pen and paper



  1. Gather Materials: Collect all materials.
  2. Prepare Cabbage Leaves: Cut cabbage leaves into smaller pieces.
  3. Fill Containers: Fill clear containers with water.
  4. Add Food Coloring: Drop food coloring into each container (use various colors).
  5. Insert Cabbage Pieces: Place cabbage pieces in containers, partly submerged.
  6. Observe and Record: Wait several hours or overnight. Record changes in leaves and water.
  7. Document Findings: Record observations and time taken for changes.
  8. Draw Conclusions: Explain plant water absorption based on observations.
  9. Discuss and Learn: Share findings with others to deepen understanding.
  10. Optional Extensions: Experiment with different leaves or water temperatures. Explore salt or sugar effects.
  11. Clean Up: Dispose of materials properly and clean containers.


This experiment offers an enjoyable way to learn about plant water absorption, making science engaging and memorable.


  1. DIY Web Ball Toss Game

Create a web using masking tape, craft a paper ball, and have fun with a point-based toss game.



For the Web:

– Masking tape (or painter’s tape)

– Large open wall space or doorway


For the Ball:

– Sheets of paper

– Scissors

– Tape or glue

– Markers or colored pencils

– Optional small object for ball weight



  1. Set Up the Web

   – Choose a safe location with enough wall space or a doorway.

   – Design your tape web, using markers to assign point values to sections.


  1. Craft the Paper Ball

   – Crumple sheets of paper into a ball, securing it with tape or glue.

   – Add weight if necessary, and decorate with markers for a fun look.


  1. Play the Game

   – Explain the rules: Players take turns tossing the paper ball at the web to score points.

   – Players stand at a designated distance and use their preferred tossing technique.


  1. Score and Keep Track

   – Track each player’s scores as they land the ball in different web sections.


  1. Determine the Winner

   – Set the game duration or rounds. The player with the most points wins.


Enjoy variations like changing ball size or point values. Afterward, remove the tape and properly dispose of paper balls. Your parent or babysitter Toronto can lend a helping hand with this project. Have a blast with this creative DIY game! You can also try some Fall clean-up fun activities


Cute Little Baby Having Fun at Home. Little Child Drawing With Colorful Paints in Daycare. Child's Creative Art And Activities. Happy Carefree Childhood.


In a world filled with schedules and responsibilities, these three after-school activities highlight the importance of having fun while growing and improving oneself. Whether it’s enjoying creative arts, facing sports challenges, or engaging in community service, these activities go beyond mere hobbies. They provide a valuable balance to academic demands, giving you a chance to recharge, reconnect, and rediscover the joy of learning. As a student, remember that these activities not only make your evenings more enjoyable but also equip you with essential life skills and cherished memories. Embrace the fun, stay enthusiastic, and make the most of your after-school time because some of life’s most meaningful lessons are learned when we’re truly having a good time.

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