Healthy Snack ideas for your Babysitter

Categories: BabysitterReading Time: 2 minutes

After school snacking is an important time in a kid’s day: it’s a needed break after school, a time to share what happened during their day, it’s the opportunity to charge their batteries to get energy for their after-school activities and homework, and it’s also an important meal that should provide:

– 15% of their daily nutritional intake (25% at breakfast, 35% at lunch and 25% in the evening)

It is therefore important that the babysitter gives them balanced snacks so that they can wait for dinner without falling into the candy bags.

According to health professionals, healthy snacks should consist of three types of food: cereals, dairy products and fruits and vegetables.

Without forgetting something to drink, preferably water or occasionally pure fruit juice.

Nuts and other whole grains are also great for kid’s snacks because they are high in fiber, minerals and vitamins and add variety.

Keeping this in minds, here are a few ideas of fun healthy snacks for your babysitter to make sure that the kids get the nutritional intake they need for their development and energy while having fun and enjoying variety.

– Fresh fruit skewers

– Popcorn balls with made from air popped plain popcorn rolled in a bit of peanut butter

– Whole bread or seed buns with peanut butter and banana slices

– Wholegrain flour tortillas with a few drops of maple syrup, nuts and fruit pieces

– Yogurt enriched with each kid favourite fresh fruit and nuts and a spoonful of oatmeal, with a little bit of brown sugar or syrup

For the dairy product intake, depending on the kid’s tastes, the babysitter can add a glass of milk or string cheese.

Lastly, remind your babysitter that even if the child is overweight or perhaps especially if the child is overweight, a balanced snack is important to curb hunger until super time.

And with a little imagination and time, a healthy snack doesn’t have to be boring but can be fun and colourful!

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