Category: Babysitter

With school birthday parties filled with candy and cake, it does make you wonder what we are teaching our kids about how to have fun while still living a healthy life. Many schools are starting to address this challenge and you and your nanny or babysitter can help!

All parents need time away from the kids to interact with other adults and recharge their batteries; this is especially true for parents of kids with special needs.

New parents are advised to create a safe sleeping environment as surprisingly the bed is one of the most dangerous environments for babies. However, what about the caregivers supporting your young family? What do you need to tell the nanny, babysitters and other caregivers about how to reduce the chances of SIDS?

Ensuring your kids get a good night sleep – every night – is very important. Even when you aren’t there!

Communicating with your baby is not always easy. It would be so much easier if he or she could speak. Well it’s almost possible! A growing number of families are using a form of sign language to communicate with their babies.

Studies have shown that kids who eat breakfast have better school attendance records, better behaviour in school and make better grades. Convinced but tired of fighting with your kids to get them to eat? Here are 5 ways to get your kids to eat breakfast

Follow these five tips to get become confident and comfortable that your kids will come home safe and sound when the nanny is driving them.

10 tips to make sure that parents are organized and kids are prepared for the new school year!

Wondering what your babysitter should prepare for your kids to eat? This will help!

Have you heard of Family Camps? They do exist and are much fun for parents and children. Read on to find out more from, a great resource to find camps.

When I was born in 1972, there was no maternity leave. No benefits, no time off. My mom, being the primary breadwinner in our house, would have been in a really bad position if it had not been for her ability to negotiate to take the summer off from work AND to plan my birth for Spring.

Sometimes, it seems like children around us are more and more out of control every year. Toddlers run screaming through the grocery store, middle-schoolers shoplift, and high schoolers turn to drugs and alcohol. What’s gone wrong? What are children missing? What are parents and caregivers forgetting? The answer is just one thing: self-control.

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