Spring Cleaning Tips!

Categories: housekeeperReading Time: 2 minutes

Spring is in the air – everywhere you look around. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping. And you know what that Smiling little housewifemeans…. It is time for the Spring Clean! 

Some people think spring cleaning means giving everything a good and through wash, from top to bottom. But in today’s world in which we have more and more material belongings, spring cleaning is also a good time for a good clean out or clean sweep! This is especially true if you have kids as they outgrow their clothes, shoes and ‘favourite toys’ so quickly. Here are some tips to help get the job done.

Project Clean Sweep

Okay – time to gather your inner strength and get rid of things! We all have friends who have no qualms about throwing or giving things away and who always maintain a sparse home full of zen-like charm. But that is not most of us! It does need to be done however. Take a good hard look at what clothes and shoes no longer fit. For toys, if your kids have not planned with them for the past six months, it is likely time for them to go! For the things that are staying, look for ways to keep them better organised using stackable crates,tote bags and shelving.

Project Spring Clean

A thorough wash is probably a good idea as well. Don’t roll your eyes but planning is a big part in an effective spring clean. Know what you want to accomplish, make sure you have all the products you need, make a list – room by room – and get to it.

Project Whistle While You Work

A great way to share the work load and teach children the importance of looking after their belongings is to get them involved. Plan work that is appropriate for them to do in advance. If they are resistant, show them that famous ‘cleaning the nursery” clip from Mary Poppins: … Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down! Make it fun – like a game – and they will get involved in no time at all.

If you are looking for extra help around the house – for just the spring clean or for on-going help – check out SOSsitter – We can help you can get out to enjoy that beautiful spring weather!


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