Military Life – Moving and Stress

Categories: Canadian ForcesReading Time: 2 minutes

Moving only follows divorce and deaths in the family as the thing that causes the most stress. And if you are a military family then it is likely that moving frequently is part of the deal. So does military life have to equal moving stress?

Moving is a lot of effort and a big adjustment for the entire family; there is no silver bullet to change that. But there are things you can do to make the frequent moves manageable. We have compiled some suggestions below and they all have one thing in common: get support!

Get military support – Make sure you are using all the relocation support available from the military, including military discounts.

Get childcare support – You will need lots of child-free need time if you are to get through your seemingly endless list of things to do on both ends of your move. Book extra time with your sitter or nanny or base childcare centres early on so you can spend quality time with friends just before your move. is a great resource to find this extra support with a discount on all memberships to all Canadian Forces Personnel and their Families.

Get support from your new community – Your new base will have support for newcomers but also look to the wider community including activities and clubs that your kids can join.

Get support from the Internet – Moving can be an adventure. Get online with your kids and discover all the wonderful things about your new home town as well as looking into the wonderful places nearby you can visit.

Get support from technology – If you do not have Skype or FaceTime or the plethora of other technologies that will allow you and your kids to stay in touch with their closest friends, start downloading!

One of the most important things to remember is that kids are very sensitive to the emotions of their parents. If they sense that you are stressed and upset, it is very likely that they will be as well. So take a deep breath, get the support you need and create a constructive environment for your next move. Bon courage!

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