
Do you remember some of the movies you watched when you were a kid? I remember watching Stripes at the first boy / girl birthday party I went to when I was nine. NINE! Stripes was rated R and included topless women, drug references, profanity (four F-bombs) and some violence. Stripes, although the 5th most […]

The ants going marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah! The ants going marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah! The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to suck his thumb. And they all going marching down… Whenever I hear that song I am immediately transported to the backseat of my parent’s car […]

Congratulations! Another school year is behind you and your family. For a couple of blissful months your kids can leave early morning alarms, school projects, quizzes and tests behind.  So why not mark the occasion! Here are five wacky ways to celebrate the start of summer vacation: ONE: Host a “Year in Review” Get each […]

Staycation Canada!

Should I stay or should I go?  If I go, there could be trouble. And if I stay it could be double.  So come on and let me know. Should I stay or should I go? If you have had that famous song from The Clash on your mind since school let out and summer […]

Parents: Two equal parts. But are they? Doesn’t it seem that there is a lot more talk (research, articles, Google searches, you name it) about mothers than fathers?  Why should that be? It might be because children develop in their mother’s womb for 40 weeks, creating an indelible bond. In many cases babies get all […]

A great little Nanny help – 5 Things Your Nanny Should Always Have Handy. 🙂 Now that the good weather is here to stay, your kids and their nanny will probably be spending a lot more time outdoors. So make sure they’re properly equipped with some basic things that are a great nanny help: sunscreen, […]

So you think you are up on social media? You have heard about and may even use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Vine. But do you know the other social media sites and applications kids are using? Heard of Whisper, Yik Yak, Burn Note, ooVoo and Kik Messenger? That’s right! There are more […]

Senior Summer Fun

It is time for some Senior Summer Fun! Just think how good it feels for you and your kids to get out and enjoy the fresh air, blue skies and warm sun after being inside for all those winter months. Well the same is true for seniors. Maybe even more so since they can sometimes […]

For someone who did not grow up with pets (Julius Augustus Caesar – our short lived parakeet, bought to fulfill a Girl Guide badge requirement – does not count), I sure do love my animals. I have: two horses, two donkeys, 1 beagle and 3 egg-laying hens. As my partner says, pets are life enhancers. […]

Decisions, decisions, decisions….We make many decisions every day. It starts the moment we wake up (what to have for breakfast, what to make the kids for lunch, what to wear to work) and picks up a rapid pace from there. So we know we make a lot of decisions each day, but did you know […]

Happy Mother’s Day Moms and Stepmoms! We love you and appreciate all you do for us! So, remember the days of the TV show Leave it to Beaver when families were made of up of one Father, one Mother, one boy and one girl and a dog named Spot? Well, whether that was a true […]

Were you mad about Mad Men, the ultra-stylised TV show centred on an advertising agency in the 1950s and 60s? There were so many jaw-dropping moments! But what shocked me most – more than the non-stop drinking and smoking in the white male-dominated working world – was a picnic scene. That’s right a picnic! Don […]

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