What is your nanny too afraid to tell you?

Categories: BabysitterReading Time: 2 minutes

The key to any good relationship – communication, communication, communication! But some things are hardier to say than others. What might your nanny or babysitter want to tell you but cannot find the words:

How you treat your nanny or babysitter

It means a lot when you ask for and trust my opinion.

Please tell me how long you will be out and then please be on time; I have a schedule to keep as well!

I know you are busy and often rushed, but I am a person and I really appreciate it when you treat me with respect.

I struggle to pay my bills when you do not pay me on time.

I am uncomfortable when you come home after drinking.

How you treat your kids

Your kids need more time from you.

Your kids need to be disciplined.

Your kids need more attention from you when you are home.

Your kids are feeling sad because of your heavy travel schedule.

Your kids are worried you are going to get a divorce.

How your kid treats others

Your kid is a bullying other kids and/or often gets into fights.

Your kid calls me bad names!

Your kid is rough or unkind with his or her siblings.

How your kid needs help

Your kid should be checked for developmental challenges.

How you should have spoken about ‘employment terms’ in advance

I need a holiday!

I would like gas money for driving your kids to their activities.

I am not the housekeeper.

I am uncomfortable folding your undies!

Although some of these topics are challenging or uncomfortable, it is better to discuss them rather than sweeping them under the carpet. Make sure your nanny or babysitters know they can talk to you about anything and even set aside time without the kids to talk.

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