5 Tips for Parents on Working, Studying and Teaching from Home

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5 Tips for Parents on Working, Studying and Teaching from Home


If you aren’t an introvert or a hermit, working and studying from home can be challenging. But remote work and studying format is getting more and more popular and looks like this tendency is only going to grow exponentially. As a result, many companies and schools have started offering the opportunity to work remotely. Although it’s a model some people have a hard time getting used to, this format actually offers a lot of advantages (especially for those who have to spend a lot of time commuting).


Besides, it often happens that a person works or studies more productively when they are at home because, in their own place, everyone can tailor everything around to satisfy all their needs and create their perfect corner for working, studying, or teaching.


However, there are also some cons. Working at home means you have to discipline yourself and that can be hard now and then. There may also be many distracting factors around that are hard to ignore such as noisy neighbors or your hyperactive child or pet. It’s also easy to get tempted to make a break which will last longer than it should, and then suddenly you just find yourself watching a new episode of your favorite TV series instead of paying attention to your classes or working.


Feeling overwhelmed with juggling parenting, studying, and working remotely?


So how do you stay productive while working or studying from home?

Here are 5 tips that will help you keep your working mood on point:


1. Customize Your Settings and Digital Space


This point is essential if you want to focus on your tasks. Turn off social media and messenger notifications. This will help you stay focused and productive. Otherwise, you risk wasting a lot of time chatting with friends. Friendly discussions such as “Should I buy this book” or “Is papersowl scam” can wait till the evening.


Make sure your browser doesn’t have tabs open that aren’t related to the current task. You don’t want to have your YouTube recommendations open when you are working on a task or writing an essay. You don’t want to show your teachers a tab with “dissertation writing service on reddit“, you should close all the tabs you aren’t currently using.

2. Create a Schedule


When working or studying from home, people often make the same mistake and change their regular schedule or treat it frivolously. In fact, you should establish a schedule that works for you and start and finish your work day at the same time.


You should also make room for some flexibility. Remote format is ideal if you have a very busy lifestyle. Take advantage of the benefits of working from home – go to the gym at a time that suits you or have a brake to take your child to kindergarten. You are not obliged to sit around all day without leaving your apartment. A little distraction will allow you to shift your attention, relax, and take on your work with more energy.


Think of activities for your child as well. Encourage your kid to play different games and to do something that does not require your presence like reading, drawing, doing puzzles, etc. You should have things on hand to keep your child occupied for a long time, so maybe splurge a little on some new toys or books for your kid. It’s also a good idea to let them attend courses they like.


Don’t work or study in your free time. A lot of remote workers and students should be especially careful about their work-life balance. While working at home, it’s very easy to lose the feeling of actually being at home, not at work. In this case, it becomes hard to relax even when your workday is over and you can easily start doing overtime which will only lead to burnout eventually.


3. Dress to Impress


All of us have at least once dreamed of going to work in our comfy pajamas. And when you work from home, the thought of staying in your cozy t-shirt and sweatpants is tempting. But psychologists say that you should wear your usual clothes when you work remotely as it will help you be more organized and productive.


4. Stay Organized


There is nothing worse than a cluttered workplace or a messy schedule. Make sure your desk is free from clutter a clean workspace helps keep your mind clear.


Making to-do lists is also a good thing to increase your productivity. Besides, having such lists helps you avoid forgetting things you have to do during the day. You can buy a cute planner for that or use special software such as Jira to keep track of everything you want to do. When you have a visualization of your work plan in front of you, you don’t have to stress about what else you need to remember to do. Plus, it feels so good to cross off a task that has already been completed.


5. Ask for Help


It’s not the end of the world if you ask your family or friends for help or feel tempted to delegate your assignment to someone else after reading some papersowl reviews. If you feel like you can’t handle things without someone else, instead of having a mental breakdown, it’s better to use the helpfull.


As you can see, working remotely, you can easily customize your schedule to suit you. At home, it is much easier to create the most comfortable conditions that will help you to quickly and efficiently deal with tasks.


The main danger is getting too lazy to do things. This you must overcome on your own. Just remember that working or studying from home is a full-time job just like any other, and the final result depends on your efficiency.


We have shared these simple tips with you and hope that with their help you will be able to organize your work from home so that it will be as productive as working in the office or school. Good luck!


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