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Diplôme cégep



Préférences d'horaires:


Sarah (28) - Aide aux aînés - Calgary

Aide aux aînés
2 années experience Salaire:$13.5 / heure
Aide aux aînés disponible


I have 2 years of experience with a wonderful woman who had Multiple Sclerosis. Her MS was quite advanced so I helped her with a multitude of tasks. I performed her daily hygienic routines such as; bathing, brushing her teeth, changing her briefs, applying medicinal ointments, and helping her with her bowels. My duties also included taking care of her cat, cooking her daily meals and feeding them to her, cleaning her house daily, and administering daily medications. In addition, I have volunteer experience working shifts with my significant other's grandmother. She has hired health care aides, but as they are expensive for her to afford 7 days a week, I visit her 1-2 times a week to help her with anything she needs and to provide loving companionship. She is ambulant but uses a walker so it is tough for her to get around the house.

Les conditions médicales:

Un service:

Salaire:$13.5 / heure

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