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Dernière connexion 3983 jours

Informations générales

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Préférences d'horaires:


Amanda (50) - Gardienne - Stouffville

10 années experience Salaire:$6.25 / heure
Gardienne disponible


I home educate my own two children (Xanthe 10 years, Quinn 9 years). I’ve cared for a new born baby and mother, who was suffering from post-natal depression. I am the owner of websites that help empower kids and teens to build their self-esteem and teach them how to be smart with their money (have been a guest speaker for Disney Radio, Seneca College, Rogers Cable TV, Costco Connections and numerous parenting sites ) I am a best-selling author with over 40 books and courses for empowering children and teens with money smarts and building self-confidence. I ran the Parents Center ante-natal classes for over 5 in New Zealand. I’ve tutored children and teens for years in areas of math, and reading (specialty with dyslexic children) My own daughter struggles with this. I’ve babysat children of all ages, all over the world from Canada, to the Netherlands, to New Zealand, and in the Caribbean. I’ve worked as a teacher’s assistant at Goodwood Public School for over 5 years

Nombre idéal d'enfants sous votre charge:

jusqu'à 4

Âge idéal des enfants sous votre charge:

Je n'ai pas de de préférence

Prêt à offrir:

Salaire:$6.25 / heure

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Autre Gardien d'enfants à Stouffville

Candidate Profile

Solaleh (44) - Gardienne - Markham

Hi. I'm solaleh and I'm 43 years old. I have 18 years experience. I have 2 children so I know that raising children in a safe and happy env...

10+ années exp
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