Dernière connexion 32 jours
Informations générales
Niveau de scolarité:
Diplôme secondaire
Préférences d'horaires:
Régulier, Temps plein
Melina (17) - Gardienne - Harrington
For several years I have been babysitting my neighbors' children and none of them have been disappointed because the children asked for me to come back. I started babysitting my little sister when she was born too. I kept them for several days, I was like her second mother. (I didn't want to be considered that way because I am her sister). I did all the tasks that a mother does. I am a person who loves children because I find them pure and wonderful. I have no difficulty with young children as much as children of an older age. I sincerely think that you would not be disappointed with what I can bring to your beautiful children. I was also a monitor for children with autism for the company Autiste Laurentides so I have no difficulty, I adapt quickly to them. Children are something that I love very much, I want to become an educator for children so allowing me to keep yours would be an honor.
Nombre idéal d'enfants sous votre charge:
5 et plus
Âge idéal des enfants sous votre charge:
2 à 5
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Melina est une gardienne d’enfants à Harrington. Elle a plusieurs disponibilités pour garder vos enfants. Melina a 17 ans dont 6 années d’expérience en tant que gardienne d’enfants. Elle peut garder 5 et plus. L’age idéal des enfants sous sa charge est: 2 à 5.
Melina est prête à offrir les services suivants pour aider les parents : Aide aux devoirs, Préparation des repas, Travaux ménagers légers.
Melina parle Français. Elle travaille en tant que gardienne d’enfants à Harrington avec des préférences d’horaires Régulier, Temps plein.