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Dernière connexion 4684 jours

Informations générales

Niveau de scolarité:

Diplôme secondaire



Préférences d'horaires:


Ashley (36) - Nounou - Winnipeg

1 année experience Salaire:$6.25 / heure
Nounou disponible


I worked in a preschool (ages 18 mo. to 5yrs- where I changed diapers)) for roughly a year, I then moved to working in a school age (before and afterschool program) (ages 5 yrs to 13 yrs... special needs as well at this time) for 2 years, at that time I was also working in a drop off babysitting program (as young as the parents feel comfortable- I've had as young as two weeks up to roughly 10 yrs... again I changed diapers at this time). I now currently work in a facility that constantly has children running around (I do not work with these children but interact with them daily, as well as still help out in the babysitting room as well as the before and afterschool room). and I currently work as a Youth Care Worker for troubled teenagers.

Nombre d'enfants:

jusqu'à 4

Nombre d'enfants:

5 ans et plus

Prêt à offrir:

Salaire:$6.25 / heure

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Autre Nounous à Winnipeg

Candidate Profile

M (55) - Nounou - Sunnyside

Je levais fessais déjeuner aller porter à Ecole aide tâche ménagère !et cuisiner les repas avec leur recette aller faire les commissions !

2 années exp
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