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Dernière connexion 3975 jours

Informations générales

Niveau de scolarité:

Diplôme universitaire



Préférences d'horaires:


Caitlin (42) - Nounou - Halifax

1 année experience Salaire:$6.25 / heure
Nounou disponible


I worked at a ski hill daycare over winter with a high turnover of 18 month to 6 year old children so being on top of all children's toilet regimes, nap regimes, ski lessons, food allergies, adaptation to a new environment, and behavioral quirks was paramount each day for the day to run smoothly. Duties included diaper changes, food preparation, setting up and coordinating craft time, outdoors walks around the resort, settling children for nap time, and leading group games. I also have experience nannying babies 6 months and up at the ski resort accommodations with minimal toys and books to entertain with in a new environment for them. So I was resourceful in using items to help them develop their skills and entertain them, taking them for walks, and providing a routine for them.

Nombre d'enfants:

jusqu'à 4

Nombre d'enfants:

5 ans et plus

Prêt à offrir:

Salaire:$6.25 / heure

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