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Dernière connexion 4967 jours

Informations générales

Niveau de scolarité:

Diplôme secondaire



Préférences d'horaires:


Emily (33) - Nounou - Ilderton

1 année experience Salaire:$12.5 / heure
Nounou disponible


I was the daily after-school babysitter for a family with two boys for three consecutive school years. I tutored both by teaching them to read and helping with homework, gave afterschool snacks and occasionally meals, played outside with the kids in the sandbox, driveway hockey, soccer, fishing in the conservation area, biking, etc. I also cared for the family's dogs, cat, and hamster, took the boys to the local library, and helped with light housework. For the past 3 years I have been working as a lifeguard with the city of London which includes teaching swimmming lessons to children of all ages. I love this part of my job and have been requested for private swimming lessons by numerous different parents. I am also quite active in my local church, working as the Nursery provider on Sunday mornings as well as being involved with Kid's Club, Sunday School, and Vacation Bible Schools.

Nombre d'enfants:

jusqu'à 4

Nombre d'enfants:

5 ans et plus

Prêt à offrir:

Salaire:$12.5 / heure

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