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Dernière connexion 2512 jours

Informations générales

Niveau de scolarité:

Diplôme secondaire


Espagnol, Anglais, Français

Préférences d'horaires:


Shany (53) - Nounou - Vancouver

1 année experience Salaire:$17 / heure
Nounou disponible


From a very early age I was drawn to taking care of those younger then me, I started to get paid to babysit at 12 yrs old, this has since then been a on and off activity, I am an Artist and love to complement my creative activities with my work with children, as I feel I gain so very much from their presence in my life. More recently I moved from Montreal where I had lived most of my life, and in my last two years there work replacing caregivers at daycares on call and when needed, to do this work I went through the Red Cross First-Aid program for child care that includes CPR. Since moving to Vancouver many of my artistic activities have taken most of my time, but now 2011 I have the time and have decided to start offering once again my services to parents and children. Hoping to meet you and your family soon Shany

Nombre d'enfants:

jusqu'à 2

Nombre d'enfants:

5 ans et plus

Prêt à offrir:

Salaire:$17 / heure

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