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Dernière connexion 4702 jours

Informations générales

Niveau de scolarité:

Diplôme secondaire



Préférences d'horaires:


Amanda (35) - Aide aux aînés - Windsor

Aide aux aînés
1 année experience Salaire:$5 / heure
Aide aux aînés disponible


I really enjoy helping seniors in need. I have volunteered my time in nursing homes and at the hospice center to take a close look and learn about what the elders do and what they enjoy. I can keep houses tidy and clean without using chemical products (WHMIS training certificate) I can cook and take care of pets if there are any. I can and would enjoy any type of game such as cards or board games. I am also willing to learn new games and listen to stories

Les conditions médicales:

Un service:

Salaire:$5 / heure

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Autre Aide aux aînés à Windsor

Candidate Profile

Agnes (38) - Aide aux aînés - Windsor

I am a highly qualified candidate for a senior caregiving job with a genuine passion for working with seniors and a strong dedication to pro...

6 années exp
Voir Candidats

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