- Aide à domicile
- Emplois
- Aide aux aînés
- Saint-Bruno
- Colin - Seeking elderly/parkinson's caregiver
En ligne
Informations générales
Ville: Saint-Bruno
Langues: Anglais
Services recherchés:
Aide aux aînés
Colin - Aide aux aînés offre d'emploi
ContactezAide aux aînés à Saint-Bruno
Salaire:$19 / heure
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Seeking elderly/parkinson's caregiver
Hello, I'm looking for a caregiver for my mother. We currently live with her however due to our jobs it makes it difficult to give the attention required to take care of my mother. We will need with most daily tasks. Very gentle, caring woman who is easy to spend time with. This is a Monday to Friday job, we will sometimes need evenings and weekends, but this will be negotiated in advance. The fees will be paid by the CLSC and any additional nights weekends will be taken care of by us. Let me know if you have any questions.Pour quand
Début: 06/03/2025
Heures par jour: 1
L | M | M | J | V | S | D | |
Matin (6h - 11h) |
Midi (11h - 13h) |
Après-midi (13h - 18h) |
Soirée (18h - 22h) |
Nuit (22h - 6h) |
Exigences supplémentaires
Conditions médicales souhaitées
- Fracture de la hanche
- Incontinence
- Mutisme
- Parkinson
Prestations souhaitées
- Je ne veux pas habiter chez l'employeur
- Préparation des repas
- Travaux ménagers légers
- Accompagnement
- Aide à l'hygiène personnelle
Salaire:$19 / heure
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