- Aide à domicile
- Emplois
- Gardienne d'enfants
- Lorraine
- Wendy - Babysitter - TDH / Autism level 1 Anglophone
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Informations générales
Ville: Lorraine
Services recherchés:
Gardienne Aide ménagère Nounou Aide aux besoins spéciaux
Wendy - Gardienne offre d'emploi
ContactezGardienne à Lorraine
Salaire:$18 / heure
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Babysitter - TDH / Autism level 1 Anglophone
I am looking for an occasional babysitter for my two boys (one is 8 years old and the youngest is 6 years old and autistic). My youngest son although on the spectrum attends regular public school and does not have any intellectual difficulties. He is kind and quite easy to be with except he has his particular behavioral cues to be dealt with during transitions and during certain situations. I am told it is barely noticeable and he does quite well in school. Although it is not necessary to have a babysitter with a background with children with disabilities, it is preferred. The English language or bilingualism is also preferred. My boys are learning French but the dominant language of communication is English. Baby sitting is occasional, every few weeks on a Saturday or Friday and perhaps on a weekday typically in the late evening and late into the night, such as 3am in which we pay 20$ /hr after midnight. A driver’s licence is required as we live in the north shore in Lorraine.Pour quand
Début: 06/03/2025
Heures par jour: 6
L | M | M | J | V | S | D | |
Matin (6h - 11h) |
Midi (11h - 13h) |
Après-midi (13h - 18h) |
Soirée (18h - 22h) |
Nuit (22h - 6h) |
Exigences supplémentaires
5 - 8
Anglais, Français
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- Préparation des repas
Salaire:$18 / heure
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