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Last active 3259 days ago

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Telli (31) - Senior Caregiver - Sherbrooke

Senior Caregiver
4 years experience Salary:$6.25 / hour
Aide aux aînés disponible


I worked at a retirenment home for a year during my first year in high school year (almost every day after school and on weekends). Then my family and I moved to Africa and i was left home with my younger siblings and 2 grandparents while my mom was on business trips. One of the grandma's had arthritis and hearing impairment while the other had Diabetes. Since the first one could go up and down the stairs i brought her the meals of the day and helped her out and in bed. The 2nd one was doing good until her husband caught cancer and had trouble taking care of him alone so i assisted. On my last year of high school, we had an aunt with HIV visit because she was refusing treatment and was getting sicker. Everyone pitched in to help.

Medical conditions:


Salary:$6.25 / hour

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