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Last active 3753 days ago

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Some university


English, French

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Chloe (31) - Babysitter - Sherbrooke

9 years experience Salary:$6.25 / hour
Gardienne disponible


After my first year of high school, I became the first person in all of atlantic Canada to implement the program Best Buddies, a group that pairs up children with mental disabilities and allows them to befriend people that they usually would not have the opportunity to meet. I was given much training on working with children with autism or sever mental disabilities and stayed in my role for a few years until graduation. During the past two summers, I worked with Parks Canada giving tours and birthday parties to children under the ages of 13. I was demanded quite often and it allowed me to be in contact with the younger demographic. I then continued on to being a pre-school French ECE, teaching a class of eight children of ages 4-5 years old. .

Number of children:

up to 4

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

I have no preference

Ready to offer:

Salary:$6.25 / hour

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Chloe is a babysitter in Sherbrooke. Chloe has several availability for childcare. Chloe is 31 years old with 9 years of child care experience. She can care for up to 4. Ideal age for children to care for are: from I have no preference years old.

Chloe is a great Sherbrooke babysitter that can help parents with the following things:

Chloe speaks English, French and can provide childcare occasionally.

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