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Last active 40 days ago

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University degree


English, French

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Helene (64) - Babysitter - Val-David

10+ years experience Salary:$14 / hour
Sweet, kind, smiling and stimulating.


I took care of twins from 1 month 1/2 (helping the mom - volunteering) until the age of 1 year. I then looked after these children while being paid for more than 6 months. I was a caregiver for 1 year in a family of 3 children (2 of school age and 1 child of 18 months whom I took care of full time). For more than 10 years I have looked after children of different ages in different families. ** I AM AVAILABLE PART-TIME/OCCASIONAL ONLY AT THE MOMENT. I CAN ALSO KEEP EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS ON OCCASION **

Number of children:

up to 4

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

I have no preference

Ready to offer:

Salary:$14 / hour

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Helene is a babysitter in Val-David. Helene has several availability for childcare. Helene is 64 years old with 10+ years of child care experience. She can care for up to 4. Ideal age for children to care for are: from I have no preference years old.

Helene is a great Val-David babysitter that can help parents with the following things: Help with homework, Taking to activities, Drop off / Pick up, Meals preparation, Light housekeeping

Helene speaks English, French and can provide childcare occasionally.

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