Last active 30 days ago
General info
College degree
Timing preferences:
Regular, Full time
Jaclyn (26) - Babysitter - Toronto
I am avaiable to babysit anyday and anytime. I like woeking with all age groups of children. I have had expereince with all age grouos of children. I am willing to come in earier if they need me to. I am willing to stay past my finish time if needed. I makesure that everything is done befire i leave. I am wiloing to run any acvtities that the child likes to do. I am very helpful all the time. I always take intative.
Number of children:
5 and plus
Age of chidlren comfortable caring:
2 to 5
Ready to offer:
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Jaclyn is a babysitter in Toronto. Jaclyn has several availability for childcare. Jaclyn is 26 years old with 3 years of child care experience. She can care for 5 and plus. Ideal age for children to care for are: from 2 to 5 years old.
Jaclyn is a great Toronto babysitter that can help parents with the following things: Drop off / Pick up, Help with homework, Light housekeeping, Meals preparation, Taking to activities
Jaclyn speaks English and can provide childcare occasionally.