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Last active 2858 days ago

General info


Some university


Spanish, English, French

Timing preferences:


Maria (53) - Babysitter - Laval

10 years experience Salary:$1.69 / hour
Babysitter available


Travailler dans les centres communautaires: Val Martin Parentelle A la maison de la famille de Laval-Ouest La maison de la famille a Laval-des-Rapides Dans des ecoles primaires: Raymond Ste Marguerite Arc-en-ciel

Number of children:

up to 4

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

2 to 5

Ready to offer:

Salary:$1.69 / hour

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Maria is a babysitter in Laval. Maria has several availability for childcare. Maria is 53 years old with 10 years of child care experience. She can care for up to 4. Ideal age for children to care for are: from 2 to 5 years old.

Maria is a great Laval babysitter that can help parents with the following things:

Maria speaks Spanish, English, French and can provide childcare occasionally.

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