Last active 4395 days ago
General info
Senior high school degree
Timing preferences:
Maude (37) - Babysitter - Longueuil
Je possède 12 ans d'expériences de gardiennage avec les enfants de 3 mois à 10 ans.
Number of children:
up to 4
Age of chidlren comfortable caring:
I have no preference
Ready to offer:
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Maude is a babysitter in Longueuil. Maude has several availability for childcare. Maude is 37 years old with 10 years of child care experience. She can care for up to 4. Ideal age for children to care for are: from I have no preference years old.
Maude is a great Longueuil babysitter that can help parents with the following things:
Maude speaks French and can provide childcare occasionally.