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Last active 198 days ago

General info


Junior high school degree


English, French

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Melodie (18) - Babysitter - Gatineau

3 years experience Salary:$17 / hour
I am a responsible and dynamic babysitter.


I am a good candidate since I have several skills and experiences that would be very useful in taking care of children and reassuring parents. I have experience in childcare through several different jobs and experiences. So I'm familiar with the responsibilities that come with it. I am able to communicate effectively and respectfully with parents and children, and I am endowed with patience and caring, which allows me to manage difficult situations with children. Additionally, I have a creative mind and am able to come up with fun and educational activities for children. I am also flexible and ready to adapt to parents' schedules and requests. I am passionate about working with children and look forward to using my skills and experience to help parents and their children.

Number of children:

up to 4

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

2 to 5

Ready to offer:

Salary:$17 / hour

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