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Last active 4 days ago

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College degree


English, French

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Nana (17) - Babysitter - Mirabel

1 year experience Salary:$17.25 / hour
Attentioned,detail-oriented and caring


I'm an enthusiastic and caring student who absolutely loves working with kids! I've gained some wonderful tutoring experience and always strive to create a friendly and supportive atmosphere for learning. My strong communication skills, my drive for problem-solving, and my first aid training from Croix Rouge helped me be even better at lending a hand. On top of that, having three little sisters has made me even more patient and understanding!

Number of children:

up to 2

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

5 to 8

Ready to offer:

Salary:$17.25 / hour

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Nana is a babysitter in Mirabel. Nana has several availability for childcare. Nana is 17 years old with 1 year of child care experience. She can care for up to 2. Ideal age for children to care for are: from 5 to 8 years old.

Nana is a great Mirabel babysitter that can help parents with the following things: Help with homework, Light housekeeping, Meals preparation

Nana speaks English, French and can provide childcare occasionally.

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