Last active 5478 days ago
General info
Junior high school degree
Timing preferences:
Rachel (39) - Babysitter - Kitchener
Nanny for twin infants (6-10 months of age). Supervision and daytime care of twin infants, including daily “Headstart” program and learning activities. Camp Assistant, Camp Keewaydin Girl Guide Camp. Supervision of 5 to 14 year old campers, including special activities such as archery, low ropes, beach activities, games, etc. Act In Loco Parentis during times of emergency or illness. Occasional care for relatives. 3 children, ages 6, 3, 1. Provide entertaining and educational activities as well as basic care, snacks, and appropriate discipline while parents run errands.
Number of children:
up to 2
Age of chidlren comfortable caring:
2 to 5
Ready to offer:
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Rachel is a babysitter in Kitchener. Rachel has several availability for childcare. Rachel is 39 years old with 1 year of child care experience. She can care for up to 2. Ideal age for children to care for are: from 2 to 5 years old.
Rachel is a great Kitchener babysitter that can help parents with the following things:
Rachel speaks English and can provide childcare occasionally.