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Last active 5516 days ago

General info


Junior high school degree


English, French

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Rosa (65) - Babysitter - Laval

1 year experience Salary:$20.5 / hour
Gardienne disponible


hi my name is rosa and i have a daycare at home . we are 2 people taking care of the children .I have 10 years experince with chilren and the other girl has 6 years From 7:00am till 5:30pm Monday till Friday Hot meals everyday . Snacks for the children Play time School time (for older childer) summer tme more out doors than inside New renovated basement 2 educators English French Italian If you would like to know more info abut myself or the daycare you can call me at anytime . If you wanna ask me info about the other person working with me you can call and ask me also . don't be shy just call im there to answer your questions . Yes im at 20.00$ day but there is a new program from the gouvernment that helps you pay the daycare. you would get a check from the gouvernment every 3 months . If you want more information just call and i'll answer your questions . Hope to hear from you , and see you soon

Number of children:

up to 4

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

I have no preference

Ready to offer:

Salary:$20.5 / hour

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Rosa is a babysitter in Laval. Rosa has several availability for childcare. Rosa is 65 years old with 1 year of child care experience. She can care for up to 4. Ideal age for children to care for are: from I have no preference years old.

Rosa is a great Laval babysitter that can help parents with the following things:

Rosa speaks English, French and can provide childcare occasionally.

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