Last active 5337 days ago
General info
Junior high school degree
Timing preferences:
Sarah (44) - Babysitter - Hamilton
As an Educational assistant, I have worked with various specail needs. I am still learning how to work with these wonderful children. I also help children with their learning as part of my job as well. I also believe that children need time to rest and play. Safety is always my upmost concern and being aware of where the children are AT ALL TIMES is very important to me.
Number of children:
up to 2
Age of chidlren comfortable caring:
I have no preference
Ready to offer:
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Sarah is a babysitter in Hamilton. Sarah has several availability for childcare. Sarah is 44 years old with 5 years of child care experience. She can care for up to 2. Ideal age for children to care for are: from I have no preference years old.
Sarah is a great Hamilton babysitter that can help parents with the following things:
Sarah speaks English and can provide childcare occasionally.