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Last active 29 days ago

General info


Junior high school degree


English, French

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Seva-Lakeysha (18) - Babysitter - Gatineau

1 year experience Salary:$16.76 / hour
I am a very caring and serious person when it comes to looking after a child.


Firstly, I have good communication skills. I know how to interact effectively with children of all ages, using appropriate language and listening carefully to their needs and concerns. This ability allows me to create an environment of trust and respect. Second, I have great patience and strong empathy. I know how to stay calm and positive even in stressful situations. My empathy allows me to understand and respond to children's emotions and needs, which is crucial to their emotional well-being. Then, I like to offer fun and educational activities that stimulate children's imagination and learning. Whether through games, reading, crafts or outdoor activities, I am committed to making each day enriching and fun. I am also very organized and reliable, always punctual and respectful of routines and expectations

Number of children:

up to 3

Age of chidlren comfortable caring:

2 to 5

Ready to offer:

Salary:$16.76 / hour

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