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Last active 122 days ago

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Junior high school degree



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Samantha (22) - Housekeeper - Brownsburg-Chatham

1 year experience Salary:$25 / hour
Femme de ménage très perfectionniste


Bonjours je suis femme de ménage dans des chalets et je cherche une petite emploi temps partiel pour occuper mes temps libre je suis perfectionniste donc tout doit être presque parfait.

Type of dwelling ready to clean:

Ready to offer:

Salary:$25 / hour

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Samantha is a housekeeper in Brownsburg-Chatham. She is available to do household chores and clean your house. Samantha has 1 year of experience as a housekeeper, She speaks French and expects a wage of 25

Samantha offers help with cleaning the following dwellings: Apartment, Townhouse, Single family home, .

Samantha can take care of these chores in your home: Basement cleaning, Bathroom cleaning, Kitchen cleaning, Bedroom cleaning, Bed making, Fridge cleaning, Oven cleaning, Window washing, Laundry, Plant care.

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Mélyka (20) - Housekeeper - Lachute

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Sophie (54) - Housekeeper - Lachute

Je suis fiable, on peut compter sur moi.!! Débrouillarde, travaillante et efficace.

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