Last active 5484 days ago
General info
Junior high school degree
English, French
Timing preferences:
Bella (51) - Nanny - Montreal
Je suis dans la mi-trentaine et incapable d'avoir des enfants. J'ai donc du orienter ma vie autrement. Rien n'empeche que j'aime bien les enfants et que je desire passer quelques instants precieux avec eux. On peut s'amuser, apprendre, se creer de nouveaux defis, ou tout simplement se reposer, tout dependant les besoins de l'enfants et les exigences des parents. J'ai aucune experience officielle avec les tous petits mais j'ai des refences personelles au besoin.
Number of children:
up to 2
Age of children comfortable caring for:
5 years and older
Ready to offer:
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Are you looking for a nanny in Montreal? Bella is available to look after your children and pick them up after school. Bella is 51 years old, including 1 year of experience as a nanny.
Bella is a great nanny who speaks English, French. She works as a nanny in Montreal with regular schedule preferences. She can look after up to 2 child. The ideal age of the children under his care is: between 5 years and older old.
Bella is a trusted nanny, ready to offer the following services for families and children: .