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Last active 122 days ago

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Some senior high school



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Elizabeth (20) - Nanny - Gatineau

4 years experience Salary:$20 / hour
Douce et aimable


Je suis très habituée à garder mes petits voisins depuis toute petite. Étant la plus jeune de ma famille, j’ai toujours voulu avoir une petite sœur ou frère. Je m’occuperais de votre enfant comme si c’était le mien:).

Number of children:

up to 2

Age of children comfortable caring for:

6 months to 2 years

Ready to offer:

Salary:$20 / hour

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Are you looking for a nanny in Gatineau? Elizabeth is available to look after your children and pick them up after school. Elizabeth is 20 years old, including 4 years of experience as a nanny.

Elizabeth is a great nanny who speaks French. She works as a nanny in Gatineau with regular schedule preferences. She can look after up to 2 child. The ideal age of the children under his care is: between 6 months to 2 years old.

Elizabeth is a trusted nanny, ready to offer the following services for families and children: Drop off / Pick up, Meals preparation, Light housekeeping, Help with homework, Taking to activities.

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J’aime beaucoup les enfants et je suis une Maman aussi ;j’adore les enfants

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Linda (31) - Nanny - Gatineau

Je suis une personne maternelle,patiente et adorable avec les enfants

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Reine (20) - Nanny - Gatineau

Je serais un excellent candidat pour un poste de nounou, car je suis une personne patiente, responsable , douce ,attentionnée et fiable . J’...

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Sghaier (33) - Nanny - Gatineau

I am already the mother of two little angels aged 2 and 3, Alexandre and Céline, who are away from me occasionally because of my studies in...

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