Last active 5546 days ago
General info
Junior high school degree
Timing preferences:
Sadouk (54) - Nanny - Montreal
j ai une expérience de 13 ans dans l enseignement primaire tout en accomplissant des activités dans les garderies , telles que leur apprendre à tenir le crayon,à utiliser la peinture, à se tenir sur une chaise, à répéter des chansons ... et j avais aussi comme tache de leur donner le repas et de leur faire quelques activités .
Number of children:
up to 4
Age of children comfortable caring for:
5 years and older
Ready to offer:
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Are you looking for a nanny in Montreal? Sadouk is available to look after your children and pick them up after school. Sadouk is 54 years old, including 1 year of experience as a nanny.
Sadouk is a great nanny who speaks French. She works as a nanny in Montreal with regular schedule preferences. She can look after up to 4 child. The ideal age of the children under his care is: between 5 years and older old.
Sadouk is a trusted nanny, ready to offer the following services for families and children: .