- Home care services
- Caregivers
- Nanny
- Gatineau
- Vanessa Olive

Last active 12 days ago
General info
Some university
Timing preferences:
Regular, Full time
Vanessa Olive (37) - Nanny - Gatineau
Je suis d'abord une mère de 2 enfants et j'ai la main sur le cœur. Et bien j'ai compris que le secret avec les poupons et enfants c'est la patience. Quand un enfant fait des caprices, pleurniche ou s'ennui, au lieu de lui crier dessus ou de le lui frapper dessus, vaudrait mieux le cajoler, lui parler calmement et surtout chercher a l'occuper en lui comptant des historiettes, des comptines, en psalmodiant de jolies chansons.
Number of children:
5 and plus
Age of children comfortable caring for:
I have no preference
Ready to offer:
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Are you looking for a nanny in Gatineau? Vanessa Olive is available to look after your children and pick them up after school. Vanessa Olive is 37 years old, including 2 years of experience as a nanny.
Vanessa Olive is a great nanny who speaks French. She works as a nanny in Gatineau with regular schedule preferences. She can look after 5 and plus child. The ideal age of the children under his care is: between I have no preference old.
Vanessa Olive is a trusted nanny, ready to offer the following services for families and children: Light housekeeping, Help with homework.