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Last active 99 days ago

General info


Junior high school degree


English, French

Timing preferences:


Axelle (18) - Nanny - Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse

5 years experience Salary:$20 / hour
Patient, generous, calm


Hello, I am a student in human sciences because I would like to become an elementary school teacher. I am calm and good with children. I am looking for a job to complete my CEGEP schedule. I have my car, I like helping people and I cook well. Do not hesitate to contact me if necessary!

Number of children:

up to 4

Age of children comfortable caring for:

I have no preference

Ready to offer:

Salary:$20 / hour

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Are you looking for a nanny in Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse? Axelle is available to look after your children and pick them up after school. Axelle is 18 years old, including 5 years of experience as a nanny.

Axelle is a great nanny who speaks English, French. She works as a nanny in Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse with regular schedule preferences. She can look after up to 4 child. The ideal age of the children under his care is: between I have no preference old.

Axelle is a trusted nanny, ready to offer the following services for families and children: Drop off / Pick up, Meals preparation, Light housekeeping, Help with homework, Taking to activities.

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Passionnée par le bien-être des enfants, je suis une nounou attentionnée, patiente et bienveillante. Mon objectif est d’offrir un environnem...

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