Last active 103 days ago
General info
Junior high school degree
Timing preferences:
Regular, Part-time
Amélie (22) - Pet Sitter - Saint-Antoine-Sur-Richelieu
Je suis en télétravail du lundi au mercredi et j’aimerais commencer à prendre des marches le midi et ou le soir histoire de me garder en forme. Avoir un copain canin avec qui me promener serait vraiment fantastique!
How many pets ready to take care of?:
up to 3
Type of pets ready to take care of:
Ready to offer:
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Amélie is a pet sitter in Saint-Antoine-Sur-Richelieu city. She is available to care for your pets. Amélie has 10 years experience in pet care and speaks French.
She is charging 15/hour for pet care. Amélie can take care of following pets: Cat, Dog, .
She can take care of up to 3 and offers the following services: Walking.