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Last active 132 days ago

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University degree


English, Spanish

Timing preferences:

Regular, Part-time

Cailin (25) - Pet Sitter - Outremont

Pet Sitter
1 year experience Salary:$23 / hour
Accountable & Caring Animal Lover


I have always loved animals from a very young age and my dream was always to become a veterinarian. Instead of following this career path I have surrounded myself with many pets, from family pets growing up to the pets of friends & loved ones. I have a lot of experience caring for friend's dogs while they're out of town and for watching over my sister's Australian Shepherd and spending time with him during visits. I have also done several housesitting jobs that included pet-care with both cats and dogs. It brings me great joy to have pets around and I can be trusted to provide them with the best care possible, considering any special needs and requirements your pet may have! I am also comfortable working with pets of varying temperaments including high energy puppies, dogs with special diets/medicine, and slower-moving senior pets.

How many pets ready to take care of?:

up to 3

Type of pets ready to take care of:

Ready to offer:

Salary:$23 / hour

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