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Emmanuelle (43) - Pet Sitter - Dosquet

Pet Sitter
10+ years experience Salary:$25 / hour
I like to believe that our companions are important members of our families, in our lives.


I am a sensitive soul, so the approach with animals has helped me a lot in my life. I can give them as much as they can in return too. I am gentle with an intention to bring additional value to their current life. I love nature and taking walks so no problem getting your little love out and stretching them. It will be a pleasure for me to offer us this opportunity.✨ Oh and I'm good with small dogs and some breeds that are more family friendly, but I also have some restrictions for others.

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Ready to offer:

Salary:$25 / hour

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Priscilla (35) - Pet Sitter - Donnacona

J’ai toujours eux des animaux, j’ai travailler dans une clinique vétérinaire et dans un salon de toilettage d’animaux dans Charlevoix

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Manon (49) - Pet Sitter - Donnacona

Bonjour jai de lexperience et jaime beaucoup les animaux je suis une personne de confiance et douce moi meme jai un chien

2 years exp
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