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Last active 156 days ago

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Junior high school degree



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Kathyana (25) - Pet Sitter - Sherbrooke

Pet Sitter
10+ years experience Salary:$20 / hour
Animal friendly at home


Hello, I offer my pet sitting services at your home. I have 2 6 year old dogs including a LabradorXhusky and a pitbull. My mother had a Sphynx breeder at home for 11 years. I grew up in the countryside with horses, sheep, chickens and rabbits. I worked in a kennel for 4 years as a teenager. I love animals and have been around them all my life :) I am a responsible, caring, calm, respectful and gentle person. I have always been a good asset to my employers. Looking forward to it!

How many pets ready to take care of?:

5 and plus

Type of pets ready to take care of:

Ready to offer:

Salary:$20 / hour

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Sophie (60) - Pet Sitter - Magog

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J’ai une facileté ayant été élever sur une fermette ,mon père était éleveur de différente race d’animaux de compagnie

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Vicky (32) - Pet Sitter - Magog

Jadore les animaux jen prend soins ses une passion que j ai envers les animaux

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Hello, I am a pet sitter in addition to being a child sitter. I looked after with a fixed family for the month until their dog went to heave...

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