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Junior high school degree
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Razika (22) - Pet Sitter - Sherbrooke
Je suis celle qui vous faut pour garder vos animaux. Toute mon enfance, j’ai grandi avec différents types d’animaux, comme par exemple un chat, un chien, un lapin, un singe. Et j’ai aussi fait de l’élevage dans ma famille.
How many pets ready to take care of?:
up to 3
Type of pets ready to take care of:
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Razika is a pet sitter in Sherbrooke city. She is available to care for your pets. Razika has 1 year experience in pet care and speaks French.
She is charging 21/hour for pet care. Razika can take care of following pets: Cat, Dog, Bunny, Bird, Small mammal, Fish, .
She can take care of up to 3 and offers the following services: Administration of medication, Walking, Feeding, Overnight stay, Grooming.