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Last active 17 days ago

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Junior high school degree



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Regular, Part-time

Erell (16) - Senior Caregiver - Gatineau

Senior Caregiver
1 year experience Salary:$18 / hour
I would define myself as a senior caregiver as an empathetic and patient person, always ready to offer support.


I would be a good candidate because I am attentive to their needs, able to create a warm and secure environment, and I am committed to providing them with the necessary support with compassion and respect.

Medical conditions:


Salary:$18 / hour

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Erell is a senior caregiver in Gatineau city available to provide home support to your senior loved ones. Erell has 1 year of experience as a senior caregiver and speaks French. Erell hourly wage is $ 18/hour.

Erell is a senior caregiver offering various home support services for the elderly: Meal preparation, Light housekeeping, Companionship, Shopping and errands, Assistance with personal hygiene.

Erell can take care of elderly people with the following medical conditions: None, .

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Je suis une personne patiente, attentionnée, et empathique qui aime aider les autres en particulier les personnes âgées qui ont besoin de so...

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Aïssa Laïna (18) - Senior Caregiver - Gatineau

Je serais une bonne candidate pour un emploi d’aide aux aînés grâce à ma bienveillance, ma patience et mon écoute attentive. Je sais m’adapt...

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