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Last active 110 days ago

Background check available. Cleared on 08/22/2024
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Some senior high school



Timing preferences:

Regular, Full time

Flory prosper (26) - Senior Caregiver - Gatineau

Senior Caregiver
2 years experience Salary:$25 / hour
Respectful and honest


I would be an excellent candidate for a job in senior care because of my natural empathy, patience, and ability to listen and understand the needs of others. I have a strong background in caring for vulnerable people, which has allowed me to develop skills in handling sensitive situations with compassion and respect. In addition, I am very attentive to detail, which is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of seniors. My commitment to the well-being of others is reflected in a professional and humane approach to all the tasks I undertake.

Medical conditions:


Salary:$25 / hour

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Flory prosper is a senior caregiver in Gatineau city available to provide home support to your senior loved ones. Flory prosper has 2 years of experience as a senior caregiver and speaks French. Flory prosper hourly wage is $ 25/hour.

Flory prosper is a senior caregiver offering various home support services for the elderly: Meal preparation, Light housekeeping, Companionship, Shopping and errands.

Flory prosper can take care of elderly people with the following medical conditions: Cancer, .

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