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Last active 32 days ago

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Junior high school degree


English, French

Timing preferences:

Regular, Full time

Kayley (20) - Senior Caregiver - Montreal

Senior Caregiver
1 year experience Salary:$25 / hour
I am a caring, patient and reliable senior caregiver, providing attentive and respectful support.


I would be an excellent candidate for a job helping seniors thanks to my kindness, patience and sense of responsibility. I am committed to providing respectful and attentive support, ensuring the physical and moral well-being of seniors. My organizational skills allow me to effectively manage daily tasks, whether it is helping with meals, maintaining the home or assisting with hygiene care. In addition, my communication skills foster a relationship of trust with beneficiaries and their families. Punctual and dedicated, I listen to everyone's needs and adapt to different situations with empathy and discretion. My positive energy and my ability to create a warm environment make me a person who can be counted on to improve the daily lives of seniors.

Medical conditions:


Salary:$25 / hour

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Kayley is a senior caregiver in Montreal city available to provide home support to your senior loved ones. Kayley has 1 year of experience as a senior caregiver and speaks English, French. Kayley hourly wage is $ 25/hour.

Kayley is a senior caregiver offering various home support services for the elderly: Live-out care, Meal preparation, Light housekeeping, Companionship, Assistance with personal hygiene.

Kayley can take care of elderly people with the following medical conditions: Cancer, Diabetes, Incontinence, Hearing Impairment, .

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