Last active 2050 days ago
General info
Senior high school degree
Afrikaans, Spanish, French
Timing preferences:
Lina (38) - Senior Caregiver - Montreal
j'etudiais en soins infirmiers avant, j'ai fait deux stages avec personnes âgées, je sais faire des injection sauf intramusculaires, je sais prendre les signes vitaux, controler l'oxygene, faire de deplacements securitaires entre autres choses.
Medical conditions:
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Lina is a senior caregiver in Montreal city available to provide home support to your senior loved ones. Lina has 1 year of experience as a senior caregiver and speaks Afrikaans, Spanish, French. Lina hourly wage is $ 6.25/hour.
Lina is a senior caregiver offering various home support services for the elderly: Light housekeeping, Shopping and errands, Shopping and errands, Companionship.
Lina can take care of elderly people with the following medical conditions: Alzheimer's, .