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Melanie (49) - Senior Caregiver - Quebec

Senior Caregiver
10+ years experience Salary:$30 / hour
I am a comforting person, full of tenderness, fun and I will take care of your elders!


I love my job and I love caring for and entertaining seniors. I am a very loving person and enjoy touching them, massaging them and discussing stories from the past. I play with them while working on maintaining skills and everything that is physical. I am very professional and I can assess the person with the required documents. So I am very present and attentive to the person, while working on memory, hearing impairment or other! I have very good references, I specialize in gerontology and I am a herbalist. With me, they will have more fun because I am very entertaining and lively!

Medical conditions:


Salary:$30 / hour

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Melanie is a senior caregiver in Quebec city available to provide home support to your senior loved ones. Melanie has 10+ years of experience as a senior caregiver and speaks English, French. Melanie hourly wage is $ 30/hour.

Melanie is a senior caregiver offering various home support services for the elderly: Meal preparation, Light housekeeping, Companionship, Shopping and errands.

Melanie can take care of elderly people with the following medical conditions: Bedridden, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Dementia, Factured Hip, Incontinence, Hearing Impairment, .

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MELISSA (28) - Senior Caregiver - Quebec

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Maria julia (46) - Senior Caregiver - Quebec

Parce que dans mon pays d' origine les personnes âgés sont de grande importance dans nos familles et que j' ai accompagnée mes grands paren...

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Mireille (55) - Senior Caregiver - Quebec

I was a caregiver for my mother-in-law until she died. I like taking care of these people. I love and get attached easily.

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Emy (21) - Senior Caregiver - Quebec

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