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Last active 12 days ago

General info


College degree


English, French

Timing preferences:

Regular, Full time

Emma (40) - Special needs caregiver - Gatineau

Special needs caregiver
10+ years experience Salary:$26 / hour
Senior Caregiver available


Experience de plus de 15 ans auprès des Personnes vulnérables en Établissement Santée, Domicile, CLSC , milieux Hospitalier, et en Soins Palliatif Intervenante en Situation de Crise Santée Mental de toutes Age J'offre mes Services avec courtoisie,respect et dans la Confidentiellité en soins disponible selon vôtre besoin un répit pour vous Amies, Familles. carte et Attestation de mes compétences a vôtre demande. Me contacter Emma

Care about:

Both (Child/Adult)

Medical conditions:


Salary:$26 / hour

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Emma is a special needs caregiver in Gatineau city. Emma is available to help your loved ones who have specific needs and can take care of children and adults. Emma has 10+ years of experience as a special needs helper, She speaks English, French. Emma expects an hourly wage of $26/hour.

Emma is a caregiver offering various home support services for those around you: .

Emma can take care of individuals with the following medical conditions: Asthma, Autism, Other pervasive development, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Physical disability, Mental handicap, Hemophilia, Hyperactivity, Developmental delay, Down Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, Deafness, Visual disturbances, .

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