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Last active 5226 days ago

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Junior high school degree



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Jacinthe (41) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

Special needs caregiver
1 year experience Salary:$6.25 / hour
Senior Caregiver available


Care about:


Medical conditions:


Salary:$6.25 / hour

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Jacinthe is a special needs caregiver in Quebec city. Jacinthe is available to help your loved ones who have specific needs and can take care of children and adults. Jacinthe has 1 year of experience as a special needs helper, She speaks French. Jacinthe expects an hourly wage of $6.25/hour.

Jacinthe is a caregiver offering various home support services for those around you: .

Jacinthe can take care of individuals with the following medical conditions: .

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Valérie (41) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

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Je suis très humble et attentionnée envers les personnes. Merci

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Je suis infirmière depuis 30 ans dans différents domaines. J’ai démissionner du système de santé publique en septembre dernier, parce que c...

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Alexane (22) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

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Isabelle (42) - Special needs caregiver - Lévis

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Luísa (22) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

I have many years of experience with all kinds of disabilities and needs. I am patient regardless of age and my goal is the well-being of th...

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Julia (15) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

Car j'ai le souci de l'autre, j'aime que les gens se sentent bien, épanoui et en sécurité.

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Candidate Profile

patrick (31) - Special needs caregiver - Lévis

Je souhaite pouvoir aider les gens dans leur quotidien, j'ai beaucoup d'expérience en ménage & nettoyage de fenêtres. J'ai aussi 2 enfants e...

3 years exp
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