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Last active 4 days ago

General info

City: Roxboro

Languages: English, French

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Helene - Babysitter job offer


Babysitter in Roxboro

Start:06/21/2024 Salary:$16 / hour


Hello We have 2 girls aged 2.5 and 6.5 and are looking for a babysitter to look after our girls for our occasional evening outings to start with. This would include starting after dinner around 6/6:30 p.m. and bedtime routine, and monitoring until 10 p.m. If this goes well, the hours may increase to include supper. Looking for a bilingual person preferably, the little one does not yet speak English Hello We have 2 daughters aged 2.5 and 6.5 and are looking for a babysitter to look after our daughters for our occasional night out to start with. This would include starting after dinner around 6/6:30pm and bedtime routine, and watching until 10pm. If this goes well, the hours could increase to include dinner. Preferably bilingual, as the little one does not yet speak English.
For when

Start: 06/21/2024

Hours per day: 4


  M T W T F S S


(6 am - 11 am)


(11 am - 1 pm)


(1 pm - 6 pm)


(6 pm - 10 pm)


(10 pm - 6 am)
Further requirements


0 - 2


English, French

Desired services
  • Help with homework
  • Light housekeeping
Salary:$16 / hour

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